Austin's Funeral Directors

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Whenever you need us we are there 24 hours a day 7 days a week

On the day

We take pride in offering a service that doesn’t feel impersonal or rushed.

The Funeral Service

Everyone is given 45 minutes, which includes approximately 30 minutes for the service itself and time either side for mourners to arrive and leave.

For a large group of mourners or those who feel they need more time, we’re happy to arrange a 90-minute slot. We can provide services in the evenings and at weekends.

All the information and details you have discussed with the Funeral Administrator will be conveyed to the Funeral Conductor.

The Funeral Conductor will ensure that the proceedings on the day are in accordance with your wishes. He will be in attendance throughout the service and you may address any queries to him.

Whenever you need us we are there

If a loved one has passed, please call your nearest funeral office for help, support & advice, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

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