Our Charity for 2025: Young Lives vs Cancer
At Austin’s Funeral Directors, our community is hugely important to us. Each year we are proud to support a charity close to our hearts. Throughout 2025, our chosen charity is Young Lives vs Cancer. This charity helps young people and their families find the strength to face everything cancer throws at them. Now in its 20th year, its care […]
Non-Traditional Funeral Locations
Funerals and memorial services are becoming increasingly personalised. This includes the location involved. Research shows that 73% of people would choose a non-traditional location for a funeral, such as a beauty spot, football ground or their own garden. You can hold funeral services almost anywhere! The most popular non-traditional locations most people would consider are: […]
Annual Christmas Carol Evening Tuesday 17th Dec at Harwood Park Crematorium
Our annual Christmas Carol Service is nearly here again and we are looking forward to welcoming lots of old friends and new ones to this popular event. An uplifting evening where many come to spend time and reflect about loved ones that have passed away and to celebrate their lives. If you would like to […]
The Elephant in the Room
58% of us feel that the subject of death is the ‘elephant in the room’. Understandably, many people don’t like to talk about death and dying. However broaching this sensitive topic can be reassuring … especially for someone who wants to discuss their preferences for their own funeral. Half of us (50%) haven’t discussed our […]
Funeral Trends in the UK | Austin’s Family Funeral Directors, Herts
Funeral Trends in the UK The world of funerals has seen big changes in recent years, including the pandemic, rising cost of living and legislation changes. As a result, attitudes to funerals are shifting. The tone of funerals in the UK is changing. Increasingly, people are describing funeral services as a ‘celebration of life’. 77% […]
6 Reasons to Consider a Funeral Plan
A funeral plan is a way of planning and paying for your funeral in advance. It can be a tremendous relief to know that the funeral details you’d like in place are noted and paid for before you pass away. Usually, funeral plans help avoid some emotional and financial pressure for loved ones. The average […]
Why Funerals are for the Living
Direct cremations are increasingly popular in the UK. This involves a cremation without a funeral service, with the ashes of the deceased person subsequently delivered to the family. In 2018, just 2% of UK funerals were direct cremations. Fast forward to 2023 … 18% of funerals are direct cremations and they continue to grow in […]
Demonstrating Professionalism in Funeral Care
Recent headlines highlighted the terrible actions of a funeral firm in Hull. A police investigation found 35 bodies and ashes at the company’s premises. Families believed cremations had taken place when they had not. Two people have been arrested on suspicion of prevention of a lawful and decent burial, fraud by false representation and fraud […]
Writing Eulogies: Is AI the Answer?
Finding the right words for a eulogy can be hard. It’s so important to reflect the person involved … their personality, lifestyle, values. Knowing it will be read aloud to loved ones during the funeral service can add to the pressure involved. So where do you start? Staring at a blank screen or piece of […]
The Growing Importance of Natural Burials
There is a range of choices available when choosing a funeral. The most popular type of funeral in the UK is cremation (53%) and the fastest-growing choice is direct cremation (20%). Another option increasing in popularity is a natural burial. This is the preferred option for 5% of funerals in the UK. What’s involved with […]